Being able to write poetry is an art form … not something I
could ever excel at, the best poem I could ever come up with was more like a
nursery rhyme:
Once I went down a
And on the way I met
a cat
The cat’s name was
He reminded me of the
Which lay in the kitchen…
Where my mother was
cooking a chicken
So yeah, that has been the standard of poems I could ever
write. But recently I learned that most of the greatest poets were inebriated
in some way or another when they came up with their best work.
So of course after reading that I was like hmmm……
Well long story short – this is what I managed to scribble
Lordy and blinding
Bumpy and lounging
Brisk and pounding
It races against my
heart like a second heart
That beats ever more
frantically then the first
I try to take my mind
off things
But up it goes
against my will
Hanging low like a
dead bird on a telephone wire
I will hang your
shoes one day
Only to see how far
you will go (to retrieve them?)
I have no idea what I was going through my head at the time...
and I don’t know what “Lordy” is .. Perhaps I was trying to say “Lordly”??
And I never completed the last sentence – it read: “Only to
see how far you will go... “ and the rest was some indistinguishable scribble
which I assumed would have been about retrieving a pair of shoes that have been
hung high?
It certainly doesn’t feel like anything I have ever written
before… Maybe this is what poets feel like when they read their work once they
are sober?
Well I think it’s time to break it down and try to make some
sense out of it
I have no idea what the starting is about –
can’t seem to make head or tail
The part about the two hearts beating against
each other seems to be a description of one frightened person comforting the
I’m trying to recall what must have I been
thinking about in the end – I had seen Tim Burton’s movie ‘Big Fish’ recently
so that’s from where I must have gotten the idea of shoes hanging high?
And that’s about it I suppose… it will always remain a mystery
unless anyone else can decipher it better than me –
I am open to interpretations…