Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Tips on how to survive unemployment depression!

The end of the year is approaching and I just wanted to give a shout-out to all my unemployed friends out there .. hang in there mates!

I've been there and in the deepest pits of the depression that comes with being in this situation and look at me! I have survived! Yes my job is shitty - but I'm getting by and hopefully if I keep trying I might get something better too..

Well I have decided to share my survival tips with you all - I know most of you who read this, may agree with all I say but will be too lazy to do much about it at the end - but hey! My job is to take you to the well - whether you drink or not is all in your own hands.

Yes this post is a bit specific - it's for all of you out there who are unemployed and moved back in with your parents and have gotten super lazy to even bother changing out of your jammies any more .. I mean like what's the point? right?  Uhhhh.. NO! Of course there is a point .. not one point but maybe like five million of them!

You can't stay like this forever man! Wallowing in self pity - avoiding social gathering cause you think it's too awkward when any one asks you what you are doing nowadays and burying yourself in watching seasons and waiting for you mom to slide you a plate of food from under the door!

Personally I would recommend that you move out - at least that way you would be forced to think on your feet - and being a janitor to pay your rent despite that masters degree won't sound so bad! But I know most of you who are already in the doldrums won't bother doing that so no point.
So here are the tips: (Don't worry I will start small and with the little things first)

 I mean it! I know they are super addictive and help you cope and for a bit help you forget where you are and what you are doing .. but man it's taking away something very valuable from you! Your time! Hours slip by without you even realizing it! So stop! I know it's hard at first but what you need to do it take a pencil and paper and honestly list down how many shows are you watching? I'm sure the list will shock you!
Then start to prioritize - cross out all the crappy shows you which just for laughs or to pass the time and finally leave only 3 shows you really can't live without - yes I'm being kind here - ideally you should stop watching them altogether but I know they have some positive impact too occasionally watching them does you no harm .. and by occasionally I don't mean occasionally in a day .. but in a week!
This process takes time- I cut down from not letting one hour go by without watching anything to one day to now one week .. I only watch maybe two or three episodes a week .. which is the healthy limit you all need to achieve!

Tip 2: DRESS UP! (or as some of you would say .. SUIT UP!)
No I don't mean that you start wearing suits around the house - just simply dress up man! Just burn those pjs and sweats if possible! Get up in the morning and pull out your Sunday best - you don't have to save 'em for a special occasion or party or whatever.. just take a shower and iron your best clothes and wear them! Dress to the nines! Like you were going on a date with a hot person to the hottest party in town! or something .. just look your best! Ladies - pull out those killer heels and full on make up! No you are not actually going somewhere (sorry for that) but it’s a known fact that dressing up nice and looking nice will automatically brighten up your mood and day! You will feel good about yourself - and if need be it could motivate you more to work out a little and get in shape - yes we all know that you have been binge eating junk food secretly at home and could do with a little work out at least!
Going to the gym - exercising, yoga or whatever is known to boost your positive energy! And that's exactly what you need!
Yes, I know dressing up that much every day is exhausting .. but at least try to change into fresh and decent clothes in the morning - staying all day in sweats just makes you more lazy! Dressing up automatically makes you more productive!

Ok, I know you are down in the dumps and getting up to go out for jog seems like torture right now - especially when bed is so warm and cozy .. but we all know staying at home for so long has gotten you out of shape - imagine if you just got called for your dream job interview - would you wanna walk in looking like a fat slob? (Edit: some people got offended so fine I meant "out if shape" slob) So get in shape man! work out! Best thing to do is simply take a walk! (Brisk walk not a stroll) Get out of the house! Go to the park! If you don't have one nearby - a couple of rounds around the block never killed no one! And don't give me BS excuses about dangerous neighborhood and what not!

Why am I not telling you to watch the news and read the newspaper because it helps you keep track of what day of the week it is and plus nothing gets your mind going like reading does! Your you lazy people Read! Stay in touch with that’s happening around you and the world over! Gives an excellent impression in interviews anyway! Follow news items online on current happenings in your field -to the point where you will be able to impress people with how-up-to-date you are! And if you start feeling depressed again then read some more! this time I suggest some light reading - fiction was always my best friend - watching movies and season is fun - yes your brain works then as well to understand what you see on the screen but it REALLY starts to operate when you read ! Your imagination builds the picture in your head and frankly it's much more fun - you learn more and … you get my drift!

Tip 5: PUT DOWN THAT PACKET OF POTATO CHIPS!  (or whatever junk food item you have been binging on to try and uplift your mood)
Drink water instead! Hydrate! Get up early and eat a healthy breakfast! Have eggs! I believe in the power of eggs! There's a reason why people have been having them for breakfast for centuries! I don't care what you vegan-schmegans say! Eggs are awesome! They boost your energy levels and give you the perfect start to your day! (Now don't go overboard and start eating a dozen every morning - maximum two eggs will do). Also please - this only works once you manage to drag your ass out of bed early in the morning .. say between 6 and 9 .. yes I am being kind here too! I know for some you folks at home for months now even 9am is too early.. But do it please! I know you want to make your situation better and these are just small steps towards betterment!
Think of it this way! People working full time jobs rarely have the kind of time you have to do whatever they want! Use it to make yourself healthy - stay in shape - work on your skin (Even you guys!)

Tip 6: Contemplate! or meditate or whatever you wanna call it … I like to call it "sitting on a bench outside!"
Take your book with you - keep a pencil and note pad and a water bottle too (Those of you grumbling about dangerous neighborhoods take your walking stick/pepper spray or stocking full of rocks or whatever with you!) When we get depressed the common response is that we to try and escape it and we fill our days with all kinds of distractions like drinking or junk food or mindless TV or even drugs.. This all needs to stop! Go outside! You don't need a distraction! Be brave! Face what you are going through and sit down in preferably a park - and take deep breaths! Think about what is happening - think about what can you possibly do? Write down all and  any ideas that come to your head! You need to realize exactly what is happening - Ask yourself:
why are you not finding a job? or getting called for interviews or second interviews?
Are you even applying for jobs? 
Maybe you need to expand your sphere of jobs you apply for?
Maybe you need to brush up on your resume? Or add some more skills?
Work on your interview giving techniques?
Maybe you don't really need a job - maybe you have a brilliant business venture idea? And you now have time to focus on all of its pros and work out the kinks and turn it into a feasible business plan that you could work out a loan for?
Maybe you have an amazing talent and your youtube videos are not getting picked up by the right people?
Sitting at home and moping never helped anyone! Focus on what you are doing and what needs to be done - If you feel lost and don't know what to do then find out! Write down in your notepad that you need to do some research and figure out what needs to be done! Or ask a professional or even a friend or perhaps a friend's father for guidance - Perhaps someone already in the field you want to go in!
Make a game plan for yourself and whatever you do just be true to yourself! Stay practical and consider what all options are available and can be done in the short term and long term! 

Set an alarm - set 10 alarms if you have to! Wake up early and try to go to bed early too! Make a daily routine and stick to it! This is what your ideal day should look like:

 - Between 6am-8am: Wake up!

 - (If you are religious: Count your blessings)

 - Eat your healthy breakfast with eggs!

 - Stretch and go out for a walk/jog/run
 (Your choice  - eat breakfast first or jog first)

 - Shower

 - Dress up!

 - Coffee/Tea/Chocolate Milk! or whatever you like to have and read the newspaper! Online or physical form - up to you! (Read all the headlines at least - check emails and updates in your field and that’s it! I mean it! DO NOT OPEN FACEBOOK OR TWITTER OR whatever other social media thingy you are on! under any circumstances! - unless your work revolves around it or something .. then it's ok otherwise the time for that will come later! (The news reading and email checking process shouldn't take more than an hour)

 - Do your chores - cleaning laundry etc. (Help mom/wife/husband/kid)

 - Sit on a desk - or any table that may sorta feel like a desk (Your designated work station) Scan all job listings again - Sign up for free courses - learn new skills like a new language, new software, writing etc. Something that keeps you busy and can give you a feasible answer to give to potential employers about the gap in your resume - (Though most employers don't ask too many questions anymore because they know the job situation now - however saying that you were taking a language course or learning a skill like graphic designing or whatever - sounds wayy better then "I was looking for a job". Heck volunteer even! (If you can afford to and don't have dependants) cause there are always people less fortunate then you! ALWAYS!!! Even if you were born without any arms and legs and blind at the same time - there will STILL be someone less fortunate then you!! Apply online for free lance work! Lots of options available!
If you can afford it then you can always learn other things too like cooking (A skill I guarantee you will never regret!), sports, playing a musical instrument, juggling, acting, singing, sewing, photography, first aid, veterinary assistantship etc.. The world is yours!

 - Lunch: (cook for someone else for a change - might even help get you out of your funk - if you know how)

 - In the evening go for a walk and do the "Sitting on a bench outside" exercise

 - Night: now is the time to indulge in some form of entertainment - whatever you prefer - just don’t stay up late!

 - Over the weekend - SOCIALIZE!
Do not sit though another weekend hiding away from everyone cause you don’t wanna answer awkward questions on why you still don't have a job! There are more people like you out then you realize!
My suggestion is that you go and meet up with friends over the weekend - especially the ones that are employed and ask them about their work .. (Everyone loves talking about their work - mostly just ranting on about how much they hate their job) Listen to them and ask them all things current about the work sphere - anything that can help you .. and if you need help practicing for an interview then can even pretend to be their toughest boss and help you practice!
Just whatever you do keep meeting people and increasing networks - heck, a friend of a friend of a friend might even be looking to hire someone and that could be your dream job and they could connect you through! And you would have missed that opportunity cause you opted to stay stuck on your couch eating ice cream and pizza and watching TV while wallowing in self pity!

So... that's that … I hope I made my mark with all my surviving unemployment depression tips! And I would like to wish you the best of luck in finding a new job! Hang in there - there's light at the end of the tunnel yet!

This post may have been a bit specific - but I know there are more people like this out there - and I hope you get to read this and it helps you out!