Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The secret to my carefree-ness

Ummm.. I actually don’t know why I am so carefree. Everyone at school thinks I’m high all the time. But I assure you I am not. Maybe I have some component in my bloodstream that makes me high naturally.

I have a theory. It’s probably because I have too much oxygen in my blood?

Fact 1: All forms of insects especially mosquitoes make me a special target .. they are constantly biting me, making summertime almost unbearable without a large tube of insect repellent and insect bite relief cream on my dressing table!

Fact 2: I can’t wear any jewelry made from any kind of reactive metal. Only silver and gold is safe (Ha! I’m an expensive bitch!) Any other metal form just starts to rust within hours! Same thing happens to the stainless steel back of my watches!

Fact 3: .. ok I don’t have a fact 3 and this theory has started to get stale in my mind already …

I go make a cheese sandwich now… 

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