Monday, September 9, 2013

What’s it like to live life, you ask?

What’s it like to live life? I tell you, life is like a vast primordial sky.. never ending and you are just born falling.

Initially you have a lot of cloud cover and you feel very soft, comfortable and exist in almost a dream-like state - but they only provide a feeling of softness but don’t actually slow you down or anything like in the cartoons. But a false sense of softness prevails as long as the cloud cover remains. Once you run out of clouds its nothing but a clear view of the ground below and your impending death.

This process however is gradual. They begin to thin out as you age until you near the ground and there aren't any left.

However it’s not just aimless falling.. you do have an aim. And it is to catch a door! Yup, you heard it right… to catch a door! There are thousands of them – just flying around randomly. Some beautiful while others are hideous but the problem is that all of these doors have wings. They dart about the sky and you have to do your best to catch one and go through.

There are only three options. You either catch your door early on, or real late in life, right before you hit the ground or you miss all of them and fall straight to your death.

Of course there is the rare possibility that you may catch one with the tip of your fingers and manage to hold on long enough till you reach the ground and then finally the door slips away and you are left standing on the ground, scratching your head and wondering – “what next?”. But the probability of that happening is very low and this is quite possibly a myth.

But why are there so many different types of doors, you wonder? Well now this is the complicated bit – yup more complicated then catching winged doors when falling to your death. Some people actually catch a door and let it go to take a risk and catch a better one. Some manage that while others don’t – it’s entirely a game of luck. You can always accept your door or take a huge risk and try to catch a better one. Most people are too scared to take the risk and stick to what they get. While others manage to let go and catch many doors throughout their entire fall.

Your fall doesn't have to be a lonely process. You can always make friends while falling – hold hands, and help each other reach the door you want and/or propel through the sky in a team formation – this way at the end even if you never caught any door you still enjoyed the ride!

Now you can’t take it any longer.. WHERE do these doors lead to, you demand? Well… honestly I haven’t figured that part out myself yet .. I am still young and still have plenty of cloud cover to help keep me in a dream-like state to know or care!

Happy flying everybody!  

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