Monday, December 30, 2013


Another year has come and gone – and yeah it’s a bit of a cliché but I decided to reflect away anyway...

 At least I’m not making any resolutions!

So here goes.. my reflections at the end of this year:
-          We may never really know why is life the way it is – Shit just happens and we just have to deal with it.
-          We are at a stage in our life where we have all the time in the world and yet it is so fleeting it could just pass us by without knowing.
-          I can do whatever I want – just wish I knew what I wanted to do???
-          God will always reward you for your prayers – just not always answer them.

Well, that’s about it... It didn't go out with quite the bang I hoped for – but I still got some time…

Happy New Year everyone! Stay safe and keep happy! 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

a drawing of a dog!

Alrighty then... I just realized that my latest posts seem too heavy – so here’s a drawing of a dog - just to lighten the mood!

You can name ‘em whatever you like!  =)

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Constipated Module

The End.

Oh heavy be your insides after it has been taken apart
Not knowing how far goes the desire of my heart
I like the sinking feeling
It leaves me up and reeling
Standing on the edge is not alone
Many more be with you – by your side
Followers be warned
The end is exactly what it is..
The end of the end.

Monday, September 9, 2013

What’s it like to live life, you ask?

What’s it like to live life? I tell you, life is like a vast primordial sky.. never ending and you are just born falling.

Initially you have a lot of cloud cover and you feel very soft, comfortable and exist in almost a dream-like state - but they only provide a feeling of softness but don’t actually slow you down or anything like in the cartoons. But a false sense of softness prevails as long as the cloud cover remains. Once you run out of clouds its nothing but a clear view of the ground below and your impending death.

This process however is gradual. They begin to thin out as you age until you near the ground and there aren't any left.

However it’s not just aimless falling.. you do have an aim. And it is to catch a door! Yup, you heard it right… to catch a door! There are thousands of them – just flying around randomly. Some beautiful while others are hideous but the problem is that all of these doors have wings. They dart about the sky and you have to do your best to catch one and go through.

There are only three options. You either catch your door early on, or real late in life, right before you hit the ground or you miss all of them and fall straight to your death.

Of course there is the rare possibility that you may catch one with the tip of your fingers and manage to hold on long enough till you reach the ground and then finally the door slips away and you are left standing on the ground, scratching your head and wondering – “what next?”. But the probability of that happening is very low and this is quite possibly a myth.

But why are there so many different types of doors, you wonder? Well now this is the complicated bit – yup more complicated then catching winged doors when falling to your death. Some people actually catch a door and let it go to take a risk and catch a better one. Some manage that while others don’t – it’s entirely a game of luck. You can always accept your door or take a huge risk and try to catch a better one. Most people are too scared to take the risk and stick to what they get. While others manage to let go and catch many doors throughout their entire fall.

Your fall doesn't have to be a lonely process. You can always make friends while falling – hold hands, and help each other reach the door you want and/or propel through the sky in a team formation – this way at the end even if you never caught any door you still enjoyed the ride!

Now you can’t take it any longer.. WHERE do these doors lead to, you demand? Well… honestly I haven’t figured that part out myself yet .. I am still young and still have plenty of cloud cover to help keep me in a dream-like state to know or care!

Happy flying everybody!  

Friday, August 2, 2013

Why jobs aren't so great – Letter to Dad

Hi Dad,

I finally got a job. It’s a prestigious organization… You can now brag about it to your friends J

I know you will go around telling people how awesome my job is, but Dad… I don’t like it.

I know I sound ungrateful especially when I had to work so hard to get this job but they give me such pointless, lengthy and boring things to do. Yeah I am still a junior assistant and this is to be expected but honestly dad is this what life is going to be like from now on?

Do I continue lying to people about how amazing my job is while in fact it’s just making me feel even more low and useless? At what point do I start believing my lies? Does everyone lie? Is everyone this miserable at work?

Why do I feel like I will be stuck at this desk forever and never get time to do the things I really want? It has only been a couple of weeks and all my major plans in life have already taken the back-seat. How long will it take for me get time off to do everything I want to do?

This feels like a prison with wooden shackles making me sit down when I want to run and hop and skip and jump and play. Will my back not hurt from sitting down for so long? Will my eyes not hurt from staring at the computer screen for so long? Will I ever get time to go outside and paint again? I am not sure if this is even healthy!?

Why is it so important for me to work here? Why would you find it demeaning if I quit and start teaching kindergarten? That is an important job too. It’s the first form of proper education a child gets and shapes their entire future perspective on education. I love kids. Why do I ‘have’ to be a feminist? Why can’t I be a housewife? They don’t get paid but have more fulfilling lives. Mom is a housewife. She is a great mom and I want to be that too. I would even have time to run an animal shelter like I always wanted and even volunteer more. Anything is better than working at an organization.

I always felt that there was so much more to life all through my student life. Now I don’t know what else to say dad.

I just wanted you to know how I feel.

-          Your daughter. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Peripheral Poem

Being able to write poetry is an art form … not something I could ever excel at, the best poem I could ever come up with was more like a nursery rhyme:

Once I went down a path
And on the way I met a cat
The cat’s name was Buffin
He reminded me of the muffin
Which lay in the kitchen…
Where my mother was cooking a chicken

So yeah, that has been the standard of poems I could ever write. But recently I learned that most of the greatest poets were inebriated in some way or another when they came up with their best work.
So of course after reading that I was like hmmm……

Well long story short – this is what I managed to scribble down:

Lordy and blinding
Bumpy and lounging
Brisk and pounding
It races against my heart like a second heart
That beats ever more frantically then the first
I try to take my mind off things
But up it goes against my will
Hanging low like a dead bird on a telephone wire
I will hang your shoes one day
Only to see how far you will go (to retrieve them?)

I have no idea what I was going through my head at the time... and I don’t know what “Lordy” is .. Perhaps I was trying to say “Lordly”??

And I never completed the last sentence – it read: “Only to see how far you will go... “ and the rest was some indistinguishable scribble which I assumed would have been about retrieving a pair of shoes that have been hung high?

It certainly doesn’t feel like anything I have ever written before… Maybe this is what poets feel like when they read their work once they are sober?

Well I think it’s time to break it down and try to make some sense out of it
-          I have no idea what the starting is about – can’t seem to make head or tail
-          The part about the two hearts beating against each other seems to be a description of one frightened person comforting the other
-          I’m trying to recall what must have I been thinking about in the end – I had seen Tim Burton’s movie ‘Big Fish’ recently so that’s from where I must have gotten the idea of shoes hanging high?

And that’s about it I suppose… it will always remain a mystery unless anyone else can decipher it better than me –

 I am open to interpretations… 

Monday, June 3, 2013

The schizophrenic chair saga continues …

Another episode of nightmares induced by the schizophrenic chair –

I saw a diseased orange this time:

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Rebels don't eat muffins and ways to get a job!

The nightmares still continue .. and maybe someday soon enough I will have the courage to narrate a full dream here instead of just pictures from my dream diary.
But enough of that -

 I really don't think that rebels like muffins ... cupcakes maybe? what do you all think?

And if unemployment has gotten you down .. then here is an almost surefire way to get a job:

Just walk-in a relatively mediocre restaurant or diner and put on a crazy-eyed and manic expression and say:

Hope it helps =) 

Friday, March 29, 2013

Draw-A-Catfish Competition:

(Update: I'm still taking in late entries, so email me your drawing at and/or vote for your favorite drawing here in the comment section below!)

Alright here we have the entries so far… and I will continue to update as new entries keep coming in throughout the coming weeks:

(See previous post to participate)

These were sent in by two friends – one claims that the other cheated her style! Well I don’t think so – she clearly tried to make it her own by making a sad face and putting up the caption “Why so serious”

 Good work and keep ‘em coming you guys! I wanna see more catfish drawings!

Ok so now I have been inspired to draw my own red catfish! 
I don’t have words to describe this interesting artwork – but thanks anyway for the drawing bud! 

Aah we now have an authentic catfish – complete with sexy moustache! 

Awww.. now this is creative! I love it! Detective Mittens to the rescue!

Va-va-vooom! A kitty mermaid!

Sending in my own version of a Cat-eel!

Finally some technology! A cute winking kitty-fish doodled on cell phone 
Now this here is a beaut! Classic drawing! Love it!

More like - ugly duckling with measles!

Hahaha creativity coming though like an advertisement:
Keep sending-in the good stuff people!...

Update: Got some more entries ! Yayy!!

Even though there was a really long gap - but I'm still grateful you guys sent me more pictures! :) Check out this rendition - pen and marker designing! 

Awwww! This is one cute catfish equation! 

Monday, March 25, 2013


Alright people it’s that time of year – I am now hosting a Draw-A-Catfish competition!

Winner gets … uh... to see his/her entry alongside all the other entries on my blog and can show off that how much better they are at drawing a catfish than everyone else!!

So get out your pen/pencil/stylus/finger or whatever you have around you ready – scribble me a catfish and take a pic of it and send it here:

There are no deadlines and the only rules are that the submission should be original and creative! 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Describing Happiness

If I had to describe happiness I’d say it’s like this tiny inflated soap bubble in the pit of your stomach – just as fragile – but it’s the temporary feeling of fullness and lightness that the bubble provides is what makes it so special.

The larger the happiness the stronger will be your bubble. There will be times when your happiness will be so great that the strong little bubble will give you the feeling as if you have been lifted off your feet and floating in mid-air!

Coming back to reality is just as quick as the pop of the bubble. One minute it’s there and then as soon as realization hits – pop – it’s gone. 

So I wish all of you out there a bubble filled day!

*dang why am I being so mushy?

Monday, March 11, 2013

The schizophrenic chair again!

I can’t seem to get that schizophrenic chair out of mind … its giving me nightmares now! 

Thursday, March 7, 2013


When I was a kid I didn’t know what fear looked like. I always thought it was something like being shy. I was never really scared of anything. I loved climbing trees, sitting on ledges and chasing after stray animals. I knew what being scared was .. it was the feeling you got when you spilled milk on the table and were trying to clean up the mess before your mom returned to the kitchen!

But fear didn’t enter my vocabulary till I was 4 years old.  

The day I figured out what fear really looks like:
It was an ordinary day and I was travelling in the car with my family. We had stopped to pick up a few things on the way home and I decided to wait in the car with my dad and brother. After a while my dad sent my brother to the store across the street to get a loaf of bread.

While he was crossing, a car came out of nowhere and started speeding towards my brother. And he had his back towards it and could not see the car.

My father got up to shout to my brother but before he could do anything the car just sped away - missing my brother by inches.

My brother probably didn’t even realize how close he had been and was completely calm. While the look of terror on my dad’s face is something I will never forget.

Feeling scared is common but actually seeing it for the first time on someone else’s face was very different.

I know that this is not a thrilling story and I have seen much more and much worse things in my life but that was the day I realized that I did not want to ever see that look on my dad’s face again. If I could help it I’d do everything possible to make sure that he wasn’t fearful for us ever again. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Why I suck at drawing stuff that normal people understand Part-2

Setting the bar of lameness even lower than before… I now refuse to draw stuff I don’t want to!

Monday, February 18, 2013

The schizophrenic chair

If chairs could talk would the schizophrenic ones see people screaming at them?
But then that’s like asking – how would Cyclops wink?

Here’s Sheriff Shish-Kebob with his Deputy Cow who found a body part in the field:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Migraine is No joke!

Migraine is No joke for anyone! For people who have it and also for the rest of the people around them either!

Ok it’s true I don’t have migraine .. but I know plenty of people who do. It’s not like I don’t feel bad for them but hey! even normal people’s skulls take a beating during the week too. Just try a sleepless night followed by no breakfast and lunch on a tough weekday and then see the blinding headaches that develop by evening time!

So the thing I’m trying to voice here is that people who complain of migraines have it tough but they don’t realize how tough they make other people’s lives ALL the time!

“Turn down the heat will you..

“Shut the window..

“Close the door..

“turn down the music..

“Go spray perfume elsewhere..

“Turn down the air conditioning..

“Keep quiet will you..

“Go play outside..

“Eat that elsewhere..

“I can’t go with you..

“I can’t listen to you..

   … cause I’m getting a migraine”.

And the list goes on...

Fine you are suffering.. but it’s usually not even that serious. I know plenty of people who use this as an excuse to get you to do stuff, get out of doing something or simply getting you to go away.

So all I gotta say is; do all of that yourself! And quit using fake migraine as an excuse to get out of stuff or I’ll be there to give your skull an actual beating!


with a bat!

And leave you in a room full of angry raccoons!


Hey I have some peach Snapple left! Yummm…………!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Singing while you work ..

Getting my sugar high .. ooh baby getting my sugar high ..

*Supervisor peeks in *

“Are you singing?”

“uh.. no”

“Yes you were I heard you!”

“Umm.. I didn’t know I was singing out loud.. sorry”

Well that won’t be happening again anytime soon. I have learned my lesson to keep my lips sealed.. but even if I can’t sing  out loud I can still at least type away the songs in my head .. ok yeah I admit that sounds just sad .. 

Why do we live in a world where we are suppressed by social obligations to behave like a morose person? I am not morose.. ok I may not be grown up enough for most people to like .. but then again ..

Ellie was a skinny elephant .. oh yeah .. Ellie was a skinny elephant .. but she’s not skinny no more! Yeah ..


“were you just typing out a song?”

“um no!”

“You  were moving your lips, and typing a rhythm and shaking your head .. “

“Quit spying on me!”

Ok that part I did not say out loud…

“What did you want to tell me?”

“To keep it quiet and get back to work!”

*mumble grumble* 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The secret to my carefree-ness

Ummm.. I actually don’t know why I am so carefree. Everyone at school thinks I’m high all the time. But I assure you I am not. Maybe I have some component in my bloodstream that makes me high naturally.

I have a theory. It’s probably because I have too much oxygen in my blood?

Fact 1: All forms of insects especially mosquitoes make me a special target .. they are constantly biting me, making summertime almost unbearable without a large tube of insect repellent and insect bite relief cream on my dressing table!

Fact 2: I can’t wear any jewelry made from any kind of reactive metal. Only silver and gold is safe (Ha! I’m an expensive bitch!) Any other metal form just starts to rust within hours! Same thing happens to the stainless steel back of my watches!

Fact 3: .. ok I don’t have a fact 3 and this theory has started to get stale in my mind already …

I go make a cheese sandwich now… 

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ancient Cannibals of Scotland and more...

Ok so one of my nerdier friends was over and we decided to watch a movie.. the only movie we compromised on was The Eagle.. She agreed because she thought it would be historic.. I agreed ‘cause I was too curious to see Channing Tatum in a skirt!

So we watched the whole movie.. I was seriously disappointed cause the acting wasn’t too good .. I hated the fact the American actors kept their accents and of course the storyline was a flop too in my opinion.. but let’s not go there...

My friend on the other hand who is studying anthropology or some shit seemed to get obsessed about the blue “Seal People” in the movie.. she had never heard of them and she is obsessed about studying about cannibals and they seemed cannibalistic in her opinion the she immediately wanted to go online and search more information about them.. I was too tired and refused to let her use my laptop... (Hey don’t blame me.. I had a long day and just wanted to sleep – yeah I admit I get a bit cranky when that happens) so she went home still ranting about writing her thesis or research paper or whatever on these blue skinned seal people.

The next morning she called me all huffed-up saying that she couldn’t find anything online and was afraid that this was all fiction.. I kinda felt bad for her... she had even decided the title of her thesis-research paper shit on it so I told her that I will try searching for them online too to help her out.

So after much searching, this is the article I found:

Ancient Cannibalistic Beach-Cave Dwellers of Scotland:

In more ways than one did we receive a cultural shock when we discovered the patronage dress belonging to the Ancient Beach Cave Dwellers of Scotland. This discovery that turned heads on first onslaught was a rare find indeed as it confirmed much of the guesswork upon which we had deduced the customs of this ancient tribe. Though most historic data we know that these tribesmen had very little hair and a general tan skin color which they covered up with an aqua blue color provided by special ash to represent their closeness and connection to the sea. These beach cave dwellers fed mostly on fish on normal days except when the time of sacrifice came and their religious leaders insisted that they feast on a human sacrifice which usually consisted of an outsider who was either a prisoner of war or an innocent victim of any nearby village from a different tribe. This did cause most people from other tribes to try their best to move away from them, yet others had no choice as their livelihood was limited to the land upon which they stood, hence could not move.
The cannibal beach cave dwellers preferred to feast upon women as their meat was considered to be tenderer but they also gloried when feasting on the meat of their prisoners of war. The women and men of their own tribe that were sacrificed were not fed upon. They were thrown off the highest cliff which they considered sacred following their traditional drum beating and prayers by the priest. 

Mastung was the name that they gave to the whales that would die and wash up on shore. The name means cow of the sea. The meat was considered of high value and almost sacred and would be covered in ashes to preserve it to be kept for longer time periods. The skin was used to make the warrior’s loincloth, shoes and the robe of the chieftain, cheiftainess and high priest. The ordinary tribesmen and women wore clothes made from ordinary animal hide – such as that of horses and deer etc. 

The whale bones were used to make weapons such as clubs and spears and the staff of senior chieftains and priests. All the huts were made using wood but for good luck or religious purposes one piece of whale bone was also added each time – usually in the center. The hut of the chieftain and head priest was made entirely from whale bone to honor them.

Another strange tradition that these beach cave dwellers had was to give all the spoils of war to the priests – most said that this was to keep them happy and allow good prayers for future prosperity but other said this was due to the fact that the chieftains were just figure heads and the actual rulers were the priests and liked to horde all the best stuff in the name of priesthood and only the things they did not want were distributed amongst the warriors – the prelists claimed that the items they returned to the warriors had been cleansed to their other worldly bad juju and safe for use by everyone else now.

One of the few rare customs that match with today are the beach-cave dwellers’ idea of birthdays. They would mark the date of birth and follow the seasons to identify it and celebrate by spreading sweet scented perfume made from pressed flowers for celebrations. There would be a small feast followed by a sitting with the priest. This sitting involved some serious soul searching and the priest made predictions about the future and instructed the person on what he needed to do in order to keep a good fortune. The rituals to keep good fortune usually meant a sacrifice to the priest of some of valuable possession – such as a sharp dagger, more whale meal or bone, good shoes, a woman from his family etc. However we must note that these kinds of celebrations were only limited to men, women on the other hand were only considered as mere possessions and treated as such. They were selected by the men for marriage and could be sold or sacrificed. Sale of wives was only allowed if she offended her male partner in some way. However, the sale of daughters was a very common practice; daughters would be sold to each other in exchange for goods, weapons, good fortune prayers from the priests etc. The wedding ceremony was the only time the women got any importance at all.

The wedding ceremony was a different matter entirely. Any tribesman could select a young woman he liked – if conflict arose then a duel would ensue and the winner got the prize. However a class system did prevail. The high status warriors could choose any young woman they wanted but the lower lever warriors or tribesmen with other trades such as weapon sharpeners; fishermen etc could not select a woman from a higher level warrior’s family without their explicit permission or blessing. Similarly the chieftain’s daughter could only be given to a high level warrior. The priest did not have any real wife but he had the power to take any woman – married or unmarried – for the night. Even the chieftain’s wife was accessible to him but usually not taken out of respect. It is to note that the beach cave dwellers only married one woman at a time. He could only remarry if his wife died or was sold or sacrificed. The chieftain had the capability to take more than one wife at a time but only if the first one was unable to produce a decent sized son. Other tribesmen were not allowed this but they always had the option of selling or sacrificing their wife for this same purpose and then taking a new one.

Another point to note is that even though the beach cave dwellers preferred to have at least one healthy son they did not kill their female child as they did contain value for them – it was considered an honor for a family if the chieftain or a high level warrior chose their daughter to be their wife. The daughters also had good barter value hence female infanticide did not exist for them. As to what happened to the sold women; they became slaves for a family and helped with their chores and the tribesman who bought her could sleep with her too if he wanted. Though the wife could take offence and kill her if she wanted. The daughter given up for sacrifice also brought honor to the family and many families that were of low class sometimes made a habit of producing as many daughters as possible just so that they could sacrifice one every year as they grew older (Children were never sacrificed) to try and increase their status.

The sons were considered the pride of every family and they started competing against each other from an early age. They had different competitions to test their skills in fighting, archery, rock throwing, horse riding, whale boning, fishing etc. In these competitions all the sons from different families of different classes competed against each other as equals. The winners in any field brought glory to their family. Thus it was a great opportunity for the tribesmen to raise their status and worked really hard to train their sons with much gusto. For example if the son of a fisherman won the competition and became the best fighter he would be given warrior status immediately, thus bringing great honor to his family.

Ok that’s enough crap I can dish out for now... my brain has stopped working.. Yes I was kidding! This is not an article I just typed out this crap in under 10 minutes to fool my poor cannibal obsessed friend! She is now insisting on throwing things at me! She actually believed that this would make a good topic for her research thesis or whatever she is working on currently – something I am too lazy to figure out.

So this leads me to wonder.. am I the only one out there who is too lazy to find out what other people are doing? I don’t even know my own brothers’ full qualifications or what they are doing exactly.. I mean I know where they studied and where they work.. but does this make me a bad person for not knowing their exact current designations and what EXACTLY they do? I’m not self obsessed… I just tend find this too boring and tend to doze off when they start talking about work on the dinner table.. if it wasn’t so boring maybe I would have paid better attention! So it’s basically their fault for choosing such boring professions! ... would you all judge me over this?

I just hope I’m not alone .. and yes I do need to grow up! Thankyouverymuch!